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Ronald W. Zagrocki, PE Joins Water Resources Group as Pittsburgh’s Newest Environmental Engineer

  • Ron Zagrocki

Ron Zagrocki, PE, has joined BH’s Water Resources Group as an environmental engineer in the Pittsburgh office. His degree is in environmental engineering from The Pennsylvania State University. He is currently registered as a professional engineer in Pennsylvania. Ron is certified for wetland delineation and Ohio Rapid Assessment Method. He was trained as a PA Sewage Enforcement Officer and has experience with soil testing and infiltration testing.

Ron’s career began with a focus on residential and commercial land development. He mainly worked on stormwater, erosion and sediment design and permitting, and other design and permitting tasks, as needed, including permitting of waterway encroachments, such as culverts. More recently, Ron has become a major part of the last several revisions of the Pittsburgh Water & Sewer Authority (PWSA) Procedures Manual for Developers, including last year’s addition of a Green Infrastructure section. He has worked on the identification of illicit discharges for PWSA’s MS4 Program.

Ron brings numerous other skills to BH as well, including project and construction management, mainly for PWSA and mostly at their water treatment plant. Ron has performed construction inspection services for various clients as well.

As a hobby, Ron grows native plants from seed, most of which he collects himself, and he is interested in pursuing a masters degree in landscape architecture to complement his plant skills. He is well versed in native fauna, especially reptiles and amphibians. He brings extensive mechanical and leadership skills from his time as a petty officer in the US Navy.