
| Published in: Company

Buchart Horn Architects Acquires Celli-Flynn Brennan Architects & Planners

Buchart Horn Architects, a division of Buchart Horn, a full-service, international engineering and architectural firm based in York, Pennsylvania, is proud to announce the acquisition of Celli-Flynn Brennan Architects and Planners, a firm based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

As a part of the acquisition, Celli-Flynn Brennan’s employees will join the Buchart Horn team and will begin working from the firm’s office located at 2200 Liberty Avenue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. More than 20 Buchart Horn employees will now be based in the Pittsburgh office. The Pittsburgh office is one of Buchart Horn’s 15 offices throughout the Eastern United States and Western Europe.

“We’re proud to announce that our Architecture Division is growing and expanding,” said Brian Funkhouser, president and CEO of Buchart Horn. “This acquisition will provide Buchart Horn Architects with increased bench-depth and will expand our team, specifically within the Pittsburgh Market, which is very important to us.”

Thomas Celli, former president of Celli-Flynn Brennan, will also join the Buchart Horn team as a senior architect and will work closely with the leadership of Buchart Horn Architects throughout the transition.

“This announcement means that our energetic and talented staff will have more opportunities for growth, and our existing clients will have access to an expanded team of experts for their projects,” said Celli. “I’m excited to be a part of the Buchart Horn team and I look forward to the outstanding projects we can bring to life by combining the expertise of our teams.”

Buchart Horn was one of the first professional consulting companies to offer both engineering and architecture services under one roof. The firm’s Architecture Division has been serving private and public-sector clients since 1946.

“Buchart Horn Architects is dedicated to providing visionary and realistic designs that exceed our clients’ expectations,” said Funkhouser. “We’ll continue to do just that as our team continues to grow and expand to better serve our clients throughout Pennsylvania, across the United States and internationally.”