Buchart Horn (BH) is under contract with the Atlantic City Municipal Utilities Authority (ACMUA) to conduct site remediation of an approximately 200 gallon diesel spill that occurred in September 2013 from an emergency generator day tank at the ACMUA’s Well #19 located on the FAA Technical Center in Egg Harbor Township, NJ. BH provided oversight of the excavation of diesel saturated soil from the site and conducted post-excavation soil sampling. BH subcontracted for installation of three shallow monitoring wells to assess the shallow groundwater. ACMUA performed the monitoring well sampling and subcontracted the laboratory analysis from September 2013 through June 2018.
A Remedial Investigation Report was prepared and submitted to NJDEP under the oversight of a New Jersey Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) to meet the Remedial Investigation Regulatory deadline. A Classification Exception Area (CEA) was established for the site. BH is under contract with ACMUA to conduct quarterly sampling of the three monitoring wells to demonstrate natural attenuation as the anticipated remedial action for implementation at the site. The quarterly sampling was initiated in March 2018. The quarterly sampling will be conducted for two calendar years.