Buchart Horn provided electrical design for an Energy and Nutrient Recovery Facility (ENRF) located north of Gettysburg, PA. Its primary function is to combust chicken manure from adjacent poultry farms operated by Hillandale Farms. Hillandale’s egg-laying facilities produce 240 tons of egg layer manure daily, which was previously exported to tributary basins in Maryland and Pennsylvania for land application.
The project generates electricity for the ENRF and Hillandale Farms and for sale of remaining supplemental electricity to the local utility company’s power grid, along with nutrient credits certified for trading in the Susquehanna and Potomac watersheds. The facility is designed to generate the largest amount of annual credits for a single generator certified in Pennsylvania to date.
Buchart Horn’s work on the project included initial feasibility studies, conceptual design, cost evaluation of two proposed options, development of bid documents (detailed design) for the utility company interconnection, medium-voltage transmission lines, and facility power.
Facility highlights:
- 24 MWe generator output
- 35 tons/day mineral product
- Over 1 million nitrogen credits/year
- Over 53,000 phosphorus credits/year
- Began commercial operation in October 2012
- Water for process use is recovered from ELM dehumidification
Zero liquid discharge