Buchart Horn studied and designed the BNR upgrade to the Dover Township Wastewater Treatment Plant. Our efforts included a project financing study and H2O Grant funding application.
The wastewater treatment plant BNR upgrade entailed expanding the existing 8 MGD oxidation ditches to meet effluent requirements of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s (PADEP’s) Chesapeake Bay Tributary Strategy. Oxidation ditches 1 and 2 were split and extended into four separate anaerobic anoxic and aerobic basins. Each ditch was expanded 100 feet to add detention time. Oxidation ditches 3 and 4 were converted to A2O with the addition of anaerobic and anoxic basins in the west side of the ditches.
As part of the upgrade, two existing 80-foot by 80-foot square final clarifiers were demolished to make space for the new 100-foot final clarifier. Existing abandoned sludge holding and treatment tanks were also removed as part of the upgrade.
Other new facilities included:
- Influent pumping station improvements
- One 100-foot clarifier
- Improved return and waste activated sludge pumping facilities
- Sludge transfer and belt filter press feed pumping facilities
- A new ultraviolet disinfection system replaced the existing labor intensive system.
- A new addition to the operations building houses an expanded laboratory, computer room, conference/training room, file storage and a garage.
The existing access to the WWTP site was relocated to allow for safer site conditions.