Montgomery County Police Vehicle Recovery Facility, MD

The Montgomery County Department of Police processes thousands of vehicles per year in apprehension of suspects, in relation to suspected crime, or in removing inoperable vehicles from streets. This service is time demanding and expensive. Previously, these services were housed separately in various locations throughout the County. Staff travel and towing of vehicles among the various locations waste both time and money. To address these issues and more efficiently process vehicles, Montgomery County proposed the construction of a multi-service processing facility.

Buchart Horn designed a new multi-service facility which included a two-story police office building, a four-bay garage, and additional flat parking on a 10-acre site. The two-story office building was designed to be approximately 8,650 SF with an attached 2,772-SF Vehicle Storage/Investigation Lab.

Design of the building and parking area included architectural, mechanical, electrical, geotechnical, structural, civil, cost estimating, specifications, and surveying services.

Buildings and systems were designed to most stringent energy design guidelines established by the County, as well as compliance with ASHRAE 90.1-1999 energy standard and International Building Codes.

Based on energy analysis and life cycle cost analysis, HVAC system for the Vehicle Storage/Investigation Lab was designed as a DX split system constant volume modular air handling unit and a DX split system with VAV modular air handling unit for the offices.

Lighting, power, telephone, cable TV, emergency lighting, fire alarm, card access management control, security alarm, CCTV, and data wiring distribution systems were incorporated into the electrical systems.