Residents of Red Lion, PA now have a new place to exercise or simply enjoy the outdoors. The scenic Ma & Pa Greenway Trail Extension is a new bike and pedestrian trail designed by Buchart Horn. This .7-mile trail offers residents and visitors recreational space, safe access to downtown shops, restaurants, and area parks, and a chance to connect with nature.
The project began with a Trail Alternatives Study to evaluate potential routes, estimate costs, and explore funding options. We prepared a sketch plan and met with representatives of the community, Pennsylvania DCNR, and the York County Rail Trail Authority.
BH also prepared an easement plan for right-of-way acquisition to help the client negotiate an agreement with a private property owner for about half of the trail’s length.
To support the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) funding process, BH attended York Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (YAMPO) meetings and gave a technical presentation on the project. BH also coordinated with franchise utility owners and the local sewer authority for trail construction within their easements. Environmental services included soil testing of an abandoned brownfield site, a wetland study, and permit coordination with DEP and USACE for construction near wetlands, local Floodplain Administrator and FEMA for floodplain related issues, and PennDOT for plan review, bidding, and construction.
Buchart Horn’s ADA accessible trail design connects to a nearby senior living community while showcasing the greenway’s lush surroundings and protecting wildlife in adjacent Mill Creek.