Civil Engineering Services, Hershey Center for Applied Research, Hershey Trust Company, Derry Township, PA

The Hershey Center for applied Research (HCAR), located in Hershey, PA, was planned to comprise 12 buildings totaling 1.2 million SF. The site development guideline, generated in association with The Conservation Fund, specified protecting natural resources and minimizing negative impact on the environment. The guidelines specifically addressed stormwater management objectives, including using of Best Management Practices (BMP).

The 165-acre parcel included a restored stream, protection of the associated floodplain habitat, native vegetation enhancement, and extensive implementation of BMPs. The development did not disturb areas within the 100-year floodplain and was a minimum distance of 200 feet from the tributary. Employees and visitors have the option of alternative transportation as it is within ¼ mile of two bus routes and a free shuttle to HCAR. The site also included a connection to the Jonathon Eshenour Memorial Bike Trail located on the property.

The stormwater management plan limits the peak discharge rate by promoting infiltration and by controlling discharge rates from two stormwater basins. Stormwater runoff is treated by using rain gardens, vegetated swales, and bio-swales, and is minimized using vegetated pervious pavement for fire lanes. The parking lot is divided by linear landscaped bio-swales that collect runoff and slow and filter the water using small dams spaced in the swales, promoting infiltration and slowing the water, allowing solids to settle out prior to entering the inlet at the end of the swale.

The center plays an economic development role in the Commonwealth by providing a place where research completed at the medical center can be put to commercial uses by private industry.