Codorus Creek runs through the City of York approximately 7.5 miles upstream of its confluence with the Susquehanna River. The 279-square-mile watershed has been continuously occupied since colonial days. Historic development of the downtown area included severe encroachment on the floodplain, with building right up to the creek banks.
Exacerbated by increases in runoff from the developing watershed, flooding in the downtown area became more severe over the years, until Indian Rock Dam and levees along both banks of the creek were constructed by the US Army Corps of Engineers in the 1940s. The projects mitigated the impact of many subsequent flood events, including Tropical Storm Agnes (June 1972), but the levees have had the unintended effect of separating the city from the creek, eliminating most public contact with its riverine environment.
As part of current efforts to revitalize the City, attention has turned to restoring access to the creek shoreline and enhancing its amenity value. As part of the beautification initiative, BH has provided survey, environmental analysis, master planning, public outreach, and schematic design services to identify improvements and program opportunities, focusing on reconnecting urban plazas and neighborhoods with the creek. Services also included exploring alternatives for improvements and program opportunities, as well as determining where plaza(s) and connections can be made from neighborhoods.
The plan developed for enhancing the amenity value of the creek includes a compound cross section between the levees, with a low flow channel, landscaped overbanks and side slopes, and left and right bank retaining walls supporting linear park features, while maintaining adequate conveyance for flood events. To reconcile the partially conflicting uses of the channel for low- and high-frequency flows, BH carried out a comprehensive hydraulic modeling study to establish appropriate widths, stages, and design elevations for each element of the project. During the hydraulic study, BH worked with US Army Corps of Engineers and community stakeholders in preparation for construction permitting.
BH worked with their client and Pennsylvania Department of Economic and Community Development grantee, the York County Economic Development Corporation, in promoting the project and seeking feedback. BH presented the schematic design to community organizations, Pennsylvania state transit and environmental departments, and the public for input, support building, and potential funding opportunities between local, state, and federal partners.
Codorus Creek Beautification Initiative Animation