1401 Marina Boulevard Site Investigation, Atlantic City Sewerage Authority, NJ

The objective of this project was to complete an Ecological Evaluation in order to characterize the extent of contamination at 1401 Marina Boulevard, Atlantic City, NJ. In addition, migration pathways and environmentally sensitive natural resources (ESNRs) were investigated. The property is located on approximately 17.45 acres of an undeveloped parcel. The topography is relatively flat and is approximately 10 feet above sea level. The site consists of riverine tidal wetlands and was acquired by the Atlantic City Sewerage Company (ACSC) in 1921. It was reportedly filled with sewer line grit and bar screening debris until approximately 1975. Two active 36-inch sanitary force mains operated by the ACSC traverse the site. The property is currently not in use and consists of a mix of scrub shrub and barren resulting from fill and previous use for storage/stockpiles.

The evaluation included obtaining and analyzing samples for the presence of Contaminants of Potential Ecological Concern (COPECs) within and adjacent to the ESNRs. Additional samples were taken within potential migratory pathways draining directly into ESNRs.

Personnel from Buchart Horn, Inc. completed the sampling in May 2015. Personnel from WET, Inc. were also present during both days providing sampling assistance and direction. Test America, Inc. was contracted by BH to provide laboratory analysis. Field sampling collection of soil, sediment, and surface water samples was conducted using the protocols and procedures defined in the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Field Sampling Procedures Manual.

The results of the investigation indicated the COPECs in the soil and sediment (i.e., SVOCs, PCBs, and metals) are migrating, via overland flow from the wetlands to lowlands caused by stormwater runoff and tidal overwash, to the ESNRs (i.e., the coastal wetland complex and adjacent water bodies). This migration has potential adverse effects to the environment.