Buchart Horn is committed to maintaining a safe and healthful work environment for all employees. The personal safety and health of each employee is of primary importance. The prevention of occupationally-induced injuries and illnesses is of such importance that it is given precedence over everyday operations to the greatest degree possible.
We are committed to establishing and maintaining a safety and health program conforming to the best practices for organizations of our type. To accomplish our objective, every reasonable effort is made in the interest of accident prevention, fire prevention, and health preservation. Developing good safety habits to a maximum, and reducing hazards to a minimum, is Buchart Horn’s goal in each phase of our operations. Every employee plays his/her part in making our company a safe and healthy place of employment.
Buchart Horn has a thorough Safety Manual that covers general guidelines, regulatory programs and requirements, generic hazards and safety procedures, and programs such as confined space and hazard communication.